Saturday, October 1, 2011

Well I already failed at my consistent blogging. (I would type an "lol" at this point, but I find such acronyms highly unprofessional in a blog where the standard conduct of English is to be maintained.)

Simply put, nothing is really going on my life the past few days. Yes, I attended home meetings the past two days. Saw a dear brother, Kenny, get baptized. That was special. I hope my brother gets baptized soon. I really do feel like he is missing out on the riches of the Lord.

Also had work today. Nothing special about that.

There's playoff baseball going on, but the only shocker was the game 1 shutout of the Rangers by a player (Matt Moore) making his second start.

So yea...Sorry my life lately has been an abyss of tedium. Maybe I'll find something to talk about soon.

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