Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Power of Positive Thinking

Anyone who meticulously follows my facebook (or as it is more colloquially and unfortunately known as 'stalking') would notice that last night I posted to become a better man. To give myself a better chance. I've set out to not let my fears stop me. I always let my fear of consequences get in the way of me living and I have been paralyzed by it. My dad was giving me the usual lecture about how he feels I let my fear get control of me and quite frankly it stuck as well as the previous times. But the thing was, he was right.

It was an hour or so later that I realized this when the Lord implanted this verse in my head suddenly. One of my favorite verses: Matthew 6:34 "Therefore, do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself; sufficient for the day is its own evil."

I was being anxious for tomorrow. I always am like "How will this affect my law school status?" or "If [x] happens then it will make things bad." Being of the legal mind, I can find an excuse to get out of anything. I've enabled myself to hide behind taking risks by these myraid excuses. No more. Theres gonna be a new Cody. A shining Cody.

I woke up this morning to see if the message still stuck. It did. After my shower, I looked myself in the eye in the mirror and knew I had my game on.

I honestly felt the surge of confidence pounding through me this morning. I knew I had my game on. Today was gonna be a good day.

I was at Bible Study when I got an  email on my phone. I assumed it would be a message from a professor or a law school application fee waiver. What I got was nothing quite like I had expected. It was an acceptance letter to the College of William and Mary Law School. This was a speedy decision. I expected my decision in March, not mid-November. This was also a highly ranked law school with some prestige and history behind it (It's the oldest law school in the country. Founded in 1799.) A speedy decision from a great law school is definitely a sign of great things to come, even though I don't expect any more decisions soon.

I find it no coincidence that I got this acceptance letter on the day I made my attitude change. When you change your thinking to follow what the Lord expects of you, positive things come. In the Bible, there is heavy emphasis placed on speaking. When we speak positively, the Lord responds positively.

I truly am blessed to realize that I can enjoy the Lord day by day, all the time. I am blessed to be in the position where I can be going to law school right when I turn 21. I truly enjoyed during today's Bible study that we can enjoy Christ as the Resurrection life. His life gained a victory over death and sin.

When I posted about my acceptance, throughout the day, I received 42 likes. That was about triple what I was expecting truth be told (although when I posted about my $10,000+ offer from the University of Pittsburgh, I had 20 likes, so perhaps I was selling myself a bit short still). It was so wonderful to see all the people that cared. I had a few people even take the time to comment their congratulations. It really meant a lot to me to see all the people that do care about me and would love to see me be successful.

After that I got what I saw coming. I got an application fee waiver to Penn St University Law School. For the person that might be unfamiliar with the case, there was a major sex scandal with an assistant football coach and a cover-up that frankly made the university the laughingstock of the country. It honestly gave me a good laugh that now because of the condemn able actions by the Penn St administration, the law school has to broaden its recruiting to seek potential recruits.

I destroyed my Ethics and Public Policy midterm. Like a boss.

The rest of the day went swell. I felt more social than normal. I also found out that the Admitted Students Program at William and Mary is right during the beginning of my spring break. Looks like I may have to make a trip back east during spring break.

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