Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Dog and the Smoking Gun

Today was an unusually exciting day for me.

I went to the Van Nuys Courthouse, like I always do on Tuesdays, and observed a trial regarding a slip and fall. Pretty ho-hum standard civil trial fare. I actually left early because the trial only had closing arguments today and I knew the jury would not reach a verdict.

However, at lunchtime, things got interesting. A man with a gun (allegedly had a gun, I still say), went into the Oviatt Library on my campus. Now I was not on campus. I was at the courthouse (the people reading this aren't idiots. I have no clue why I reiterated that fact.) It's not every day that someone has a gun on my campus (or maybe it is. My campus isn't exactly situated in Westwood.) But we've also had bomb threats, at least one stabbing, and dorm burglaries, so I wasn't too shocked about this occurance. I think I was more shocked that Van Nuys was safer than CSUN. That's like saying that Downtown LA is safer to be in than USC itself. It just doesn't happen.

Well, a few hours later, after getting home, I was watching "The Critic" on DVD. I was perusing my email while watching the show and noticed a very important email in my spam folder. It was an email from UCLA Law School. Curious I opened it. The email had an application fee waiver for UCLA because of my LSAT score. The implications of this cannot be understated:


Not to sound cocky, but essentially, unless my personal statement and resume are extremely underwhelming (which I doubt due to my GPA and Judicial Internship), I'm at least going to be accepted. Now, I still highly doubt I will get scholarships, at least my first year, but it is a great feeling to know a school that I honestly considered a reach school wants me to apply. All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD!

Also, simultaneously to my reading the email, my dog was undergoing surgery to have a mass removed from his hip. Well, I went to pick up my dog and quite frankly, his hip looks like a scene from a snuff film. If one is squeamish, do not look at my dog's hip right now. He's still bleeding enough to make his bed look like a Saw movie set. But he should be fine soon. Can't wait to take him on his walks again.

I must admit though, the girls at the vet were pretty cute. I would make a crude joke about wanting to be their pet, but the only implications of said joke would just leave a rancid taste in the reader's mouth and have them think of me lower as a person. I am a very crass and crude person, but I know my limits. But, I do make the point of the vet girls being cute because everyone seems to think I have impossible standards. I don't. I know cute girls when I see them. That's that.

Who knows what tomorrow brings?

Todays verse of enjoyment: 1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, being always ready for a defense to everyone who asks you of an account concerning the hope which is in you." 

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