Wednesday, September 28, 2011

International Law and the Collapse of a Nation

Wow. Today saw what, in my opinion, are two of the four worse collapses in Major League Baseball  history. The Boston Red Sox and Atlanta Braves both had 9+ game leads for their respective wild cards in early September. Somehow, the Lazaruses known as the Tampa Bay Rays and St. Louis Cardinals won their respective wild cards.

As an Angels fan, I am so happy about the Red Sox collapse. I hate the Red Sox and I hate Red Sox Nation (the nation reference in my title) with a passion previously only reserved for the Yankees. Now I hate the Red Sox more than that because they broke my heart in 2007 and 2008 playoffs. But back to the collapse itself.

Let me list where I would rank these collapses:

1. 1964 Philadelphia Phillies
2. 2007 New York Mets
3. 2011 Boston Red Sox
4. 2011 Atlanta Braves
5. 1995 California Angels

All this was after what could be the greatest regular season night in baseball history. The Braves lost their game in an 13-inning spellbinder. The Red Sox lost on a walk-off single by Baltimore. The Rays won on a walk-off home run by Evan Longoria that will be mentioned alongside the famous Shot Heard Round the World in 1951 for years to come. The Rays were down 7-0 heading into that game and were a strike away from losing the game.

All this was happening while I was in my International Law class. There was a lecture regarding state immunity and diplomatic immunity that quite honestly I wasn't paying too much attention to. Then was the exam. It was open book, but it kicked my butt. It was so hard, I began stressing out and questioning if I was fit for law school momentarily. I gathered my thoughts and was able to complete it, barely. Hope I get a decent grade on it.

In other news, my dog seems to be doing better. He seems to have his regular mindset back, even if his leg is still healing from the surgery.

Today's enjoyment: Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Dog and the Smoking Gun

Today was an unusually exciting day for me.

I went to the Van Nuys Courthouse, like I always do on Tuesdays, and observed a trial regarding a slip and fall. Pretty ho-hum standard civil trial fare. I actually left early because the trial only had closing arguments today and I knew the jury would not reach a verdict.

However, at lunchtime, things got interesting. A man with a gun (allegedly had a gun, I still say), went into the Oviatt Library on my campus. Now I was not on campus. I was at the courthouse (the people reading this aren't idiots. I have no clue why I reiterated that fact.) It's not every day that someone has a gun on my campus (or maybe it is. My campus isn't exactly situated in Westwood.) But we've also had bomb threats, at least one stabbing, and dorm burglaries, so I wasn't too shocked about this occurance. I think I was more shocked that Van Nuys was safer than CSUN. That's like saying that Downtown LA is safer to be in than USC itself. It just doesn't happen.

Well, a few hours later, after getting home, I was watching "The Critic" on DVD. I was perusing my email while watching the show and noticed a very important email in my spam folder. It was an email from UCLA Law School. Curious I opened it. The email had an application fee waiver for UCLA because of my LSAT score. The implications of this cannot be understated:


Not to sound cocky, but essentially, unless my personal statement and resume are extremely underwhelming (which I doubt due to my GPA and Judicial Internship), I'm at least going to be accepted. Now, I still highly doubt I will get scholarships, at least my first year, but it is a great feeling to know a school that I honestly considered a reach school wants me to apply. All I can say is PRAISE THE LORD!

Also, simultaneously to my reading the email, my dog was undergoing surgery to have a mass removed from his hip. Well, I went to pick up my dog and quite frankly, his hip looks like a scene from a snuff film. If one is squeamish, do not look at my dog's hip right now. He's still bleeding enough to make his bed look like a Saw movie set. But he should be fine soon. Can't wait to take him on his walks again.

I must admit though, the girls at the vet were pretty cute. I would make a crude joke about wanting to be their pet, but the only implications of said joke would just leave a rancid taste in the reader's mouth and have them think of me lower as a person. I am a very crass and crude person, but I know my limits. But, I do make the point of the vet girls being cute because everyone seems to think I have impossible standards. I don't. I know cute girls when I see them. That's that.

Who knows what tomorrow brings?

Todays verse of enjoyment: 1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, being always ready for a defense to everyone who asks you of an account concerning the hope which is in you." 

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Obligatory "I Started A Blog" Post

The title says it all. I'm trying the whole blogging thing again. Just putting my thoughts on paper. Lets see how long it lasts this time. Over/Under 2.5 weeks.

I was using Tumblr,  but I'm sorry. Tumblr is not a real blog site. So I decided to jumpstart a new blog. Now I just need to learn how to link this with my Facebook and/or Google+ if possible.

Right now, Im probably going to be discussing my law school search. A lot. So be warned. Also, I'm going to try to spread some enjoyment (a verse or two) of the Lord.

Hope I stick with it.